Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management

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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
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Oficial / homologat
60 crèdits
Preu 9.014 €


Begin your training as a cultural manager and position yourself in an emerging industry that is creating jobs. The UIC Barcelona Master's Degree Programme in Arts and Cultural Management takes a practical, international approach to the field.
You'll acquire in-depth knowledge from an entrepreneurial perspective about the work processes involved in cultural products and services. Besides subjects in key areas, the programme also includes subjects that promote leadership and the use of new technologies.
Students also learn about the work dynamics of the two specialization pathways: the visual arts and cultural heritage, and creative cultural industries. The aim is to ensure you acquire a multi-purpose, multidisciplinary profile so you can work in the area of cultural policies, institutions and projects. This master's programme is closely linked to the city of Barcelona, which boasts a first-class cultural panorama and numerous international projects.
The classroom sessions are combined with study visits where you will have the opportunity to visit cultural facilities and institutions and learn from their managers. You will also have Master Classes and workshops given by national and international experts.
This master's degree programme is an official postgraduate programme adapted to the regulations of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) with quality assessment by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya) and the Spanish Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).


The curriculum is organised into six modules, four of which correspond to on-site classes which provide the theoretical and practical framework of the Master's, and these modules cover three trimesters (from October to June). The fifth and sixth modules involve professional work experience and the final Master's dissertation, and are undertaken throughout the entire academic year. 
Module 1: Theoretical and Practical Principles for Cultural Management
October - December
  • Tools for Managing Culture
  • Cultural Marketing
  • Society and Culture in the 21st century
  • Cultural Institutions and Policies
Module 2: Tools for Cultural Management
January - March
  • Funding for Culture
  • Legal Aspects of Cultural Management
  • Cultural Communication
  • Creation of Cultural Companies
Module 3: Creativity and Cultural Entrepreneurship
  • January - June
  • Creation of Cultural Companies
  • Leadership, Culture and New Technologies
Module 4: Analysis and Management of Cultural Sectors
April – June
  • Visual Arts Management (Spanish)
  • Cultural Heritage Management (Spanish)
  • Curation Management and Exhibitions (Spanish)
  • Publishing Industry Management (English)
  • Audiovisual Industry Management (English)
  • Performing Arts Management (English)
Module 5: Internships in cultural companies and institutions
Module 6: Final Master's Degree Project
  • Documents

Competències per a les quals et prepara el curs

The programme is designed to gradually equip students to handle the specific skills and competencies required in cultural management, including: Analysing a society's cultural fabric and preparing a diagnosis of needs and opportunities. Designing, scheduling, managing and assessing cultural projects. Creating, managing and leading interdisciplinary human teams. Attracting and managing economic resources in relation to cultural projects, companies and institutions. Designing marketing and communication strategies in the area of culture. Being familiar with and applying new technologies in the process of cultural management, production and dissemination. Encouraging a sense of social responsibility and ethical commitment.


Who It Is Aimed At. Incoming Student Profile
This master's programme is for you if you have a university degree (with or without job experience) and are interested in analysing the problems raised by cultural management.
It is designed particularly for:
  • Recent young university graduates who want to receive training as cultural managers.
  • Active professionals with several years of experience who want to improve their training in management and management processes and methods.


Admission criteria
While all candidates who meet the access route requirements will be considered, acceptance will be determined based on the following criteria:
  • Personal academic transcript of the earned degree
  • Professional and academic CV
  • Admission test
  • Personal interview
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Specialised entrance exam, once all required documentation has been received and approved.


One academic year.


  • To offer a reflection on the theory of culture in the 21st century and its social effects.
  • To provide instruction about the characteristic features of local, national and international cultural policies.
  • To teach students how to analyse a society's cultural fabric and prepare a diagnosis of needs and opportunities.
  • To ensure students can apply management tools to the subjects of financing, financial management, human resources, marketing, communication, scheduling and production in relation to cultural events.
  • To encourage the acquisition of personal entrepreneurial skills.
  • To provide instruction about the specific management requirements of each cultural area.
  • To teach students how to evaluate cultural projects and programmes.
  • To introduce students to professional practice.
  • To encourage a sense of social responsibility and ethical commitment.


The internship is based on an agreement between the University and the companies.


Grants and financial aids available.


Preu 9.014 €
Spanish edition: 6,660 eurso + 480 euros (enrollment fees) = 7,140 euros. 60 ECTS - 111 euros/credit. English edition: 7,080 euros + 480 euros (enrollment fees) = 7,350 euros. 60 ECTS - 118 euros/credit.


Director: Dr. Marta Crispí Cantón. Professors and lecturers who are active in their profession.
Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Campus i seus: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Derecho
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Humanidades
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura
Campus d'Iradier. Calle Inmaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Edificio Alfa-Campus Barcelona, Inmaculada 22 08017 Barcelona
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Carrer Josep Trueta, s/n 08195 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
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