MBA International Relations

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Geneva Business School
MBA International Relations
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90 crèdits
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Over the course of this program you will:

  • Gain the capacity to work in the development of diplomatic strategy.
  • Be introduced to realistic solutions for the management of current global crises.
  • Be familiar with global cultures and social networking.
  • Build contacts with diplomatic organizations and staff to enhance global connectedness and vision.


The master's program requires the successful completion of 90 ECTS credits. The program format consists of (i) unique business and finance courses, (ii) major-specific orientation weeks and (iii) a final project. The breakdown of the credits is as follows: 9 core courses (36 ECTS), 5 elective courses (20 ECTS), 4 orientation weeks (16 ECTS) and the final project (18 ECTS). Below are examples of the major-specific courses that students will pursue during their orientation weeks:
  • Management of International Organizations and NGOs
  • Strategic Cross Cultural Communication
  • Geopolitics and World Business: New threats, Sustainability and future trends
  • Impact of New technologies on Global Governance


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in International Relations has been designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the impact international relations and geopolitical factors have on operational management and business success. After completing this MBA, you will be well prepared for jobs in international fields such as human rights, arms control, international laws and treaties.

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18 months. 90 ECTS.

Titulació obtinguda

Master of Business Administration with a Major in International Relations.

Avantatges del curs

- Transfer Opportunities: We offer our students the option to transfer for a semester between our Barcelona and Madrid* campuses - Internships: We provide the access to internship opportunities in national and international companies and organizations

Lloc on s'imparteix el curs

Barcelona and Madrid. Madrid Master Programs only available from September 2019 intake.
MBA International Relations
Geneva Business School
Campus i seus: Geneva Business School
C/ Pelai, 42 08007 Barcelona
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