Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering
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![Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)](
Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering
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As reflected in its name, this master degree has a dual academic and professional orientation. On the academic side, it provides the skills and techniques needed in scientific research in general and, more specifically, in mathematical research. On the professional side, the goal is to provide the students with an advanced background to work in interdisciplinary teams, in cooperation with engineers, physicists, biologists, economists, etc.
Competències per a les quals et prepara el curs
Upon completion of your master studies, you will be able to:
1. (Research). Read and understand advanced mathematical papers. Use mathematical research techniques to produce and transmit new result
Recommended background
This master is addressed to students with good abstract reasoning, interest in problem solving, strong work habits and a liking for mathematics.
A scientific background is required, with basic mathematical foundations. For this reason, a bachelor in mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, economics or science is recommended. This list is non-exclusive, and all applications will be reviewed on an individual basis
This master is addressed to students with good abstract reasoning, interest in problem solving, strong work habits and a liking for mathematics.
A scientific background is required, with basic mathematical foundations. For this reason, a bachelor in mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, economics or science is recommended. This list is non-exclusive, and all applications will be reviewed on an individual basis
Recommended background
This master is addressed to students with good abstract reasoning, interest in problem solving, strong work habits and a liking for mathematics.
A scientific background is required, with basic mathematical foundations. For this reason, a bachelor in mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, economics or science is recommended. This list is non-exclusive, and all applications will be reviewed on an individual basis.
This master is addressed to students with good abstract reasoning, interest in problem solving, strong work habits and a liking for mathematics.
A scientific background is required, with basic mathematical foundations. For this reason, a bachelor in mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, economics or science is recommended. This list is non-exclusive, and all applications will be reviewed on an individual basis.
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Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix
1 curs acadèmio
Titulació obtinguda
Màster universitari
Perspectives laborals
Some of the career prospects of master graduates are academic research (by pursuing a PhD in mathematics, science or engineering, for instance), mathematical modeling in industry, finance, statistics, applied research (biomedical research centers, computer vision, etc.)
Lloc on s'imparteix el curs
Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (FME)
Campus Diagonal Sud. Edifici U. C. Pau Gargallo, 5
08028 Barcelona
Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Campus i seus: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
C/ Jordi Girona, 31