Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management
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Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management
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Ranked 1st in Spain and 13th in the world by EDUNIVERSAL, the International Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management is an established programme , which 100% graduates are working after 3 months.
The Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management is a one-year degree specially designed to prepare graduates to pursue an international career in the tourism and hospitality industry.
Throughout the year, participants of the Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management develop core Hospitality Management competencies, as well as personal and professional skills in the areas of communication, negotiation, teamwork and leadership. The core subjects are delivered at our main campus in the centre of Barcelona, while leadership skills are developed at the Collbató Residential Training Campus.
Throughout the Master, participants are exposed to real-life case studies facilitated by a combination of academics and practitioners using a unique methodology based on small, multicultural classes.
In addition, the programme has an optional Hospitality Training Practicum which will enable you to work at national and international level in top companies in the tourism and hospitality sector. The programme will also give you access to young talent programmes which will allow you to run your own department in two to three years.
The International Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management programme offers you the opportunity to do a week´s training in an international destination and experience first hand what it is like to work in a hotel. You will live a great experience as a future manager in the Tourism and Hospitality Management industry through practical tutorials in different departments of the resort.
Your International Business Trip
Experience the tourism & hospitality industry.
We know that while your learning may begin in the classroom, it does not end there. The International Business Trip is a chance to get a bird's eye view of the issues facing the hospitality industry in Europe and the world. Previous classes have travelled to Greece to take part in classes in a partner school and experience the management of a world-class resort.
Your optional Hospitality Training Practicum (HTP)
Get know the industry from the inside out.
During or after your master, you can take on a challenging work assignment to apply what you have learned directly to your area of choice. The incorporation of practical work experience, formal training, and support by career development advisors provides participants with the unique opportunity to develop and assume challenging responsibilities within the hospitality industry. You can use your HTP to explore your future career path and a new culture - our students have travelled to more than 20 countries to complete the HTP.
The Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management is a one-year degree specially designed to prepare graduates to pursue an international career in the tourism and hospitality industry.
Throughout the year, participants of the Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management develop core Hospitality Management competencies, as well as personal and professional skills in the areas of communication, negotiation, teamwork and leadership. The core subjects are delivered at our main campus in the centre of Barcelona, while leadership skills are developed at the Collbató Residential Training Campus.
Throughout the Master, participants are exposed to real-life case studies facilitated by a combination of academics and practitioners using a unique methodology based on small, multicultural classes.
In addition, the programme has an optional Hospitality Training Practicum which will enable you to work at national and international level in top companies in the tourism and hospitality sector. The programme will also give you access to young talent programmes which will allow you to run your own department in two to three years.
The International Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management programme offers you the opportunity to do a week´s training in an international destination and experience first hand what it is like to work in a hotel. You will live a great experience as a future manager in the Tourism and Hospitality Management industry through practical tutorials in different departments of the resort.
Your International Business Trip
Experience the tourism & hospitality industry.
We know that while your learning may begin in the classroom, it does not end there. The International Business Trip is a chance to get a bird's eye view of the issues facing the hospitality industry in Europe and the world. Previous classes have travelled to Greece to take part in classes in a partner school and experience the management of a world-class resort.
Your optional Hospitality Training Practicum (HTP)
Get know the industry from the inside out.
During or after your master, you can take on a challenging work assignment to apply what you have learned directly to your area of choice. The incorporation of practical work experience, formal training, and support by career development advisors provides participants with the unique opportunity to develop and assume challenging responsibilities within the hospitality industry. You can use your HTP to explore your future career path and a new culture - our students have travelled to more than 20 countries to complete the HTP.
Core courses
- Expansion or Internationalisation for Managers
- Finance for Managers
- Global Compass: Geoeconomics & geopolitics
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Hospitality
- Management of Information Systems
- Marketing: Creating Value
- Marketing: Delivering Value
- Organisational Behaviour
- Prof. Concentration in Consulting
- Prof. Concentration in Food & Beverage
- Prof. Concentration in M.I.C.E.
- Prof. Concentration in Travel Distribution
- Quality & Leadership
- Revenue Management
- Service Operations Management
- Strategic People & Organisational Management
- Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry
- Self-Leadership Foundations
- Leading Individuals & Teams I
- Leading Individuals & Teams II
- Leading Change
- International Business Trip
- International Week
- Company visits & trade fairs
- Conferences
- Marketing Challenge
- Practical Final Project
- Exchange & Double Degree (optional)
- A challenging work assignment with a complementary learning component
Work as a consultant for a real company
You compete in teams to develop a marketing plan for a client company that has a real issue such as increasing sales, reaching a specific target client, entering a market or identifying innovative channels to reach the customer. You act as teams of consultants that pitch your approach, and the winning team has the chance to see the plan implemented.
Your practical final project
Try out your new knowledge and skills.
The final project integrates theory and practice to solve real-life management problems – from a detailed business plan for a luxury eco hotel to the launch of an innovative startup in the travel industry. You choose the focus of your project, and develop it together with your group under the guidance of an experienced tutor. The project is designed so that you hit the ground running after graduation – having acquired the confidence, time management skills and strategic vision that make you a valuable asset to any company.
Competències per a les quals et prepara el curs
Your year at EADA is a transformative experience. The Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management positions you to reimagine and pursue your highest aspirations – both personal and professional.
Develop the knowledge and skills to stand out from the crowd.
From the very first day, you dive deep into the world of tourism and hospitality. You develop the critical thinking skills to analyse and perform well in even the most demanding business situations. Expert faculty and carefully selected case studies mean that you leave with a firm grasp of latest professional practice and the strategy to apply it effectively.
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Face-to-face in Barcelona, Spain or live online.
Small class sizes and individual follow-up make the most of your unique potential. Joint activities allow you to integrate into the larger EADA community without losing that personal touch.
An integral part of the programme is getting out of the classroom to see case studies in action and network with world-renowned professionals. You gain an inside look into the culture and day-to-day life of a wide range of companies and explore different professions in real operating environments.
Company visits: Get exposure to diverse working methods, interact with different company structures across sectors, and develop an in-depth understanding of best practices through conversations with respected industry leaders.
Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix
Inici: octubre 2021.
Fall intake: October - June.
Perspectives laborals
The Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management is designed to make you into a well-rounded, value-strong professional with the know-how to impress and the leadership skills to execute a strategic plan of action. The programme is closely aligned with the needs of the today's top companies in the industry, as demonstrated by the outstanding employment rate.
100% employed after 3 months.
In top companies in: Consulting, F&B, hotles, M.I.C.E., Travel distribution.
Avantatges del curs
Enjoy a European tourism hub.
Get your hands dirty: You actively participate in engaging class discussions, sharing your insights and debating solutions to real issues in the hospitality sector – all under the guidance of our experienced faculty.
Develop the leader in you: Our intense leadership development programme takes you from the reflection phase right through to implementation, preparing you to be a self-aware, effective leader of change.
Internationalise your profile: There is no better preparation for your future career than spending a year at EADA, with multicultural, multidisciplinary teams working together to solve the business problems facing today's top companies.
Trade fares: Get a comprehensive overview of tourism and hospitality while learning about the latest trends and advances. Encounter innovative solutions to industry-wide challenges and be inspired by the disruptive perspectives of pioneering companies.
Timetable: Monday to Friday, 16.00h - 19.00h.
Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management
EADA Business School
Campus i seus: EADA Business School
EADA Business School
C/ Aragó, 204