Master in Sustainable Business & Innovation

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EADA Business School
Master in Sustainable Business & Innovation
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The Master in Sustainable Business and Innovation is a truly unique, holistically driven program offering a different business paradigm for today´s young professionals. An unique methodology ensures that you will develop the critical and design thinking skills to analyze, perform and inspire in an ever increasing volatile, uncertain, and complex business environment. However, we go one step further. While hard skills may be enough to get your foot in the door, the soft skills obtained in communication, negotiation, teamwork, and leadership are what will lift you in developing a world-class career in a company, organization, or even your own business.
The Master in Sustainable Business and Innovation is targeted towards students from diverse backgrounds, both cultural and academic, who aim to develop their career and skills in helping businesses and organizations to solve urgent and emerging environmental, economic, societal, and welfare global challenges.
Develop the knowledge and skills to be a change-maker.
An unique programme molds you into a multifaceted professional especially adept at engaging with diverse stakeholders and creating win-win scenarios to generate value. You are equipped to deal with today's greatest business challenges with a value-driven strategic vision.
Your International Week
Focus on sustainability and responsible management.
This week gives you a broader vision of the field with visiting experts and professionals from all over the world. Electives, workshops, round tables and challenges provide the opportunity to engage with leaders in sustainability.
Your International Business Trip
Explore, learn, grow.
During the optional International Business Trip, you get out of EADA for a first-hand look at innovation and its role in sustainability through classes in partner universities and visits abroad. Hear from the professionals  facing today's most pressing business challenges every day: How are they adapting? What solutions have they found? Where do we go from here?
Previous classes have visited Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Brussels (Belgium), where participants networked with innovative leaders in a wide variety of fields in both the public and private sector. This is your opportunity to learn about the day-to-day life of different industries in real operating environments.
As a complementary learning component, previous classes have gained unique insight into the purpose, goals and approach of the United Nations University-Merit and explored new ground with in-depth lectures from faculty at the partner Maastricht University.


Core courses
  • Applied Analytics for the Global Development Industry 4.0
  • Decision Making in Marketing & Consumer Ethics
  • Design Thinking
  • Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Management
  • Financing for Inclusive Development & Social Impact Investment
  • Global Supply Chain Management
  • Holistic Management & Organisational Development
  • Impact Evaluation
  • International Development Agenda & the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Marketing Fundamentals
  • New Economies (circular, sharing, collaborative, smart cities)
  • Organisational Development & Change
  • Present & Future of Geopolitics
  • The Role of Business in Society:New Holistic Management Models
  • Strategy & Sustainability
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation
  • Sustainable Operations
  • Technological Management & the Changing Nature of Work
Leadership development programme
  • Leading Oneself
  • Leading in Teams
  • Leading across the Organisation
  • Leading Oneself in Society
Complementary components
  • International Business Trip (optional)
  • International Week
  • Company visits, presentations & conferences
  • Practical Final Project
  • Exchange & Double Degree (optional)
Your final project
Make change.
You work as a business consultant – this is your chance to put what you have learned throughout the year to the test, integrating theory and practice to address management challenges and make the most significant impact. You select your challenge and develop it together with your group under the guidance of an experienced tutor.

Competències per a les quals et prepara el curs

Your year at EADA is a transformative experience. The Master in Sustainable Business and Innovation positions you to reimagine and pursue your highest aspirations – both personal and professional.

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Full time.

Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix



Inici: octubre 2021. Fall intake: October - June.

Avantatges del curs

Conferences and off-campus visits in collaboration with leading organisations are an integral part of the programme, providing you with the opportunity to network with world–renowned professionals from around the world. You gain an inside look into the culture and day-to-day life of a wide range of organisations and explore different professions in real operating environments.


Monday - Friday full time (schedule subject to change).
Master in Sustainable Business & Innovation
EADA Business School
Campus i seus: EADA Business School
EADA Business School
C/ Aragó, 204 08011 Barcelona
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