MBA Digital Marketing

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Geneva Business School
MBA Digital Marketing
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90 crèdits
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The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in Digital Marketing is designed to equip you with the skills needed to engage an audience through digital media and effectively market your business through these networks. You will be capable of actively working to develop marketing strategies and learn effective business planning for digital marketing. In addition to becoming experts in leveraging social media for business growth.

  • Be able to effectively publish and manage content for business growth.
  • Acquire expertise in using Google analytics and various data analysis software.
  • Gain familiarity with online legalities and rights management.
  • Become an expert in designing and implementing online marketing campaigns.


The master's program requires the successful completion of 90 ECTS credits. The program format consists of (i) unique business and finance courses, (ii) major-specific orientation weeks and (iii) a final project. The breakdown of the credits is as follows: 9 core courses (36 ECTS), 5 elective courses (20 ECTS), 4 orientation weeks (16 ECTS) and the final project (18 ECTS). Below are examples of the major-specific courses that students will pursue during their orientation weeks:
  • Managing Innovation in the Digital Marketing Sector
  • Persuasion & Customer Decision Making
  • Boosting Revenues Using Social Media
  • Digital Analytics

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18 months, 90 ECTS.

Titulació obtinguda

Master of Business Administration with a Major in Digital Marketing.

Lloc on s'imparteix el curs

Geneva, Barcelona and Madrid Campus.
MBA Digital Marketing
Geneva Business School
Campus i seus: Geneva Business School
C/ Pelai, 42 08007 Barcelona
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