Legal Secretary. An Introduction
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Legal Secretary. An Introduction
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10 hores
Menys de 250 €
Designed for
If you're considering becoming a top-notch legal secretary with all the rewards that career can bring, this is an excellent first step. If you live in Scotland, there is also a Scottish version of this course, so you can be confident that wherever you work, you've chosen the very best training.
Lesson One: The legal office, legal practitioners, support staff, the legal secretary, importance of proof-reading
Lesson Two: Differences between civil law and criminal law, court system and structure, how laws are made, general office procedures, different methods of communication, setting up files for a new client, client care letter, instruction form, telephone attendance note.
Lesson Three: House style, business letter layout, special instructions and marks. Routing correspondence, inserting dates into documents, legal document layout, inserting specified horizontal space, precedents and specialised software, preparing a codicil, importance of good file management.
Lesson Four: The office account and client account, how time is record, client care and invoicing, business memo layout, letter before action, correct expansion of abbreviations.
OCR Additional Exercises: Revision of OCR topics covered during the course, interpreting amendment and correction signs, locating information for insertion in a document.
Lesson Two: Differences between civil law and criminal law, court system and structure, how laws are made, general office procedures, different methods of communication, setting up files for a new client, client care letter, instruction form, telephone attendance note.
Lesson Three: House style, business letter layout, special instructions and marks. Routing correspondence, inserting dates into documents, legal document layout, inserting specified horizontal space, precedents and specialised software, preparing a codicil, importance of good file management.
Lesson Four: The office account and client account, how time is record, client care and invoicing, business memo layout, letter before action, correct expansion of abbreviations.
OCR Additional Exercises: Revision of OCR topics covered during the course, interpreting amendment and correction signs, locating information for insertion in a document.
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Pitman Training Certificate
Legal Secretary. An Introduction
Tuset, 8 entl. 3a