Undergraduate Degree in Product Design

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IED Barcelona Escola Superior de Disseny
Undergraduate Degree in Product Design
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4 anys
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The Undergraduate Degree in Product Design, which is the equivalent of a University Degree (240 ECTS), prepares professionals to develop social, strategic and technological projects in the areas of furniture, lighting, consumer electronics, packaging, personal accessories, utensils, electrical appliances, wearables, etc.
Today, product design is evolving very rapidly and the professional outlets are multiplying. The fields in which product design is applied are very wide-ranging and include the liberal arts, company design and development departments, technology centres and R&D departments.
Product design is especially broad because it encompasses all our everyday surroundings and it therefore touches on criteria like sustainability, energy efficiency, environmental impact – ecodesign – and concepts that have a major impact on society, such as universal design. It also has to deal with new economic and productive realities, such as collaborative consumption, crowdfunding, digital production, rapid prototyping and 3D printing. All of these open up a wide array of creative possibilities that industrial product designers cannot ignore.
At IED Barcelona, the teaching is highly practical: the students explore new creative methods, become familiar with traditional materials (wood, plastic, metal, glass, ceramics, textiles, etc.) and new materials, learn to handle them and transform them using every possible production process and experiment with new technologies and those that are more traditional.
The result is that they are trained to plan and develop any product both in terms of concepts and strategies and in terms of its production, production control and finishing. During the course, the students learn about all the topics demanded by the Ministry of Education.
Young industrial designers educated at IED are ready to develop cutting-edge creative techniques and trained to use the manual and digital 2D and 3D tools most often applied in industry. This allows them to extensively develop their creativity and communicate their ideas and how to implement them in any format to an expert audience.


  • The first year of the course focuses on acquiring the basic concepts of product design and its culture and methodology. The students are challenged to analyse and understand their environment, to create and to communicate.
  • The second year focuses on developing individual creativity and the students start to learn the tools of this speciality, such as mould making, mechanical and digital production systems, sketching, storytelling, Rhino, CAD and communicating through Illustrator, Photoshop and oral communication.
  • In the third year they start to spend time in companies and develop more complex, technical projects involving prototypes and actual costs. The product design, interior design and transportation design students work together in cross-departmental teams. They also study new materials, such as sustainable and smart materials, nanomaterials, etc.
  • In the fourth year they have compulsory internships with a company and select their individual professional directions. Great importance is placed on creative management, using project management and rethinking and modifying what is being made so that the users and the market really need it. Finally, they undertake a course-end final project with real companies, in which they first build prototypes and then, if successful, see them produced and launched onto the market.

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The degree offers a formative path that teaches students to comprehend and anticipate the demands of the market, by negotiating with business intentions and translating them into a properly defined project that can be manufactured. It emphasizes the importance of the concept, in order to predict consumption trends and styles, based on an understanding of the demands of the market and social needs. The course also gives the students a knowledge of production materials and technology so that they can bring their projects to life. In addition to a theoretical understanding of the project, the students focus on analysing technologies, function, ergonomics and usability.

Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix



4 anys acadèmics. Data d'inici: setembre 2019


Physical and functional characteristics are taught to obtain a product to be manufactured industrially and perform as intended with the highest efficiency and quality. Also acquirement of skills to value and solve problems, needs and requirements affecting the formalization of a product, determining its industrial quality and proper integration into the market.
Lastly, the comprehension that design is not only recommendable for companies to improve their efficiency and profitability: it also has a social function, because its intervention conditions environment quality and people's life.

Perspectives laborals

Self-employed designers, design departments, marketing, colour&trim or innovation for companies and design, engineering and architecture studios, companies working on innovation and strategy, creative and art departments in advertising agencies, research departments in companies and institutions. Ex-IED DESIGN students work for: Bertone, Frecan, Capmar, Projeckta, Zicla, Lamborghini, Hyundai, Grupo Pangea, Seat, Fun Lab, Orbitel, Cazaly Sylvain, Home Design, MTL Brands, BMW, McLaren, BM Lightning Design, Design Dies, Ubica, Estudi Interiorisme Salietti, Pia Capdevila, VMoto Europa, Scutum Logistics, Gama Ubica, Tarrago Cortés Interioristes, Ibisland Invest, Interiodista Decoración Digital, etc.

Avantatges del curs

The course promotes a project culture with companies to bridge the gap between education and the world of work. The students not only learn the methodology and tools of the various disciplines but also learn to work and build relationships through briefings with real-life clients. The department has collaborated with the following companies: Ferrari, the BMW Initiative, Seat, Doctors without Borders, Mercedes Benz, Casa Decor, Volvo, Gira, Unopiù, Frecan, Primavera Sound, Orbea, Panasonic, Derbi, Renault, Zicla, Roca, Decoexpo, Alstom, Hyundai, Toyota, Panatta Sport, Illy, Capmar, Piquadro, Entitat Metropolitana del Transport, Japan Tobacco International, AHEC, Elite Gourmet, Vmoto, Omega Z, I+ED Lab, Idearideas, Architecture for Humanity, Consorzio Tecnologie Meccaniche Centro Italia, Volta Motorbikes, Casa Gracia BCN and Los Cármenes.
Campus i seus: IED Barcelona Escola Superior de Disseny
IED Barcelona Escola Superior de Disseny
C/ Biada, 11 08012 Barcelona