Summer School Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society

Preu 3.800 €
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Universitat de Barcelona. Càtedra d'Emprenedoria.
Summer School Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society
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100 hores
Preu 3.800 €


In a knowledge-based economy, where creativity is integral to business and to the development of innovation strategies. More than ever, it has become increasingly imperative for businesses, organizations and institutions to learn to be creative. In this context, HEC Montréal and the University of Barcelona are happy to announce the next edition of their joint summer programme will compare creative approaches and practices from diverse fields ranging from industry and arts to science.
The intensive two-week programme will be analysing the creative process and its management from a multi-disciplinary, intercultural, international and intergenerational perspective and the participants, who come from academia, industry and the public sector, will be able to reflect and integrate the practices of these diverse spheres. Montreal and Barcelona are two of the most creative cities in the world, rich in culture and sharing numerous traits. The participants in this unique programme will create an international network of managers motivated and dedicated to managing creativity and unleashing the creative potential of their organizations.  


(First week in Montréal, and second week in Barcelona)
The Summer School adopts a dynamic and highly interactive format with emphasis on professional visits to creative industries and innovating organizations and firms, feedback from renowned creators and managers of creativity. Participants will explore a number of themes ranging from managing creative practices and approaches to analysing creative behaviours and creativity models (eg. TRIZ) and comparing creative cities. Generally speaking, the morning sessions will cover key concepts and practices while the afternoons will be dedicated to professional visits and creative workshops. Industry and institutional involvement  include other organizations, projects and creative environments.


Professionals and managers seeking to improve their organization's capacity for creativity and innovation; management consultants and institutional leaders; faculty lecturers and professors and graduate students in diverse fields of study.


This Summer School will be conducted in English

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Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix



Two weeks (July)


  • Improve your organization's capacity for creativity and innovation. 
  • Learn creative practices from diverse backgrounds: management, industry, arts, science, etc. Utilize cultural diversity to generate new ideas.
  • Become part of an international network of professionals and researchers. Recruit talented staff.
  • Challenge your assumptions and discover unexplored opportunities.
  • Unleash your own creativity ability and innovation skills. Work on creative projects. 

Titulació obtinguda



Internationally renowned professors from HEC Montréal, the University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Creative industries. Distinguished guests from diverse disciplines such as architecture, design, film, gastronomy, management, video games...

Lloc on s'imparteix el curs

Montréal and Barcelona


Intensive programme
Summer School Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society
Universitat de Barcelona. Càtedra d'Emprenedoria.
Campus i seus: Universitat de Barcelona. Càtedra d'Emprenedoria.
UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA. Cátedra de Iniciativa Emprendedora.
Avinguda Diagonal, 690 Barcelona
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