BBA Digital Marketing
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BBA Digital Marketing
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180 crèdits
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The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in Digital Marketing will provide you with profound knowledge of new and diverse strategies, progressive marketing tools and effective communication skills necessary to effectively market business through digital media networks and project into this ever expanding area of business.
- Acquire knowledge of new technologies.
- Gain expertise in the development of marketing strategies.
- Become effective in leveraging social media networks for business growth.
The program requires the successful completion of 180 credits (which represent, 1800 contact hours plus a total of 3600 study hours). The program consists of 4 groups of courses common for all Bachelor's, from which students may select the desired subjects to study: General Education (45 ECTS), Core Courses (72 ECTS), Elective Courses (15 ECTS), the Orientation Courses (36 ECTS) and the Bachelor Thesis (12 ECTS), which are mandatory to complete the selected major. Beyond the principal Business modules offered within each major, an example of some of the Orientation Subjects can be found below:
- E-commerce: Micro- Multinationals
- Persuasion and Customer Decision Making
- Social Media Marketing
- Pay Per Click Advertising
- Applied Digital Marketing Strategies
- Digital Revolution
- Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals
- Digital Marketing Channels
- Linkedin Marketing
- Digital Techniques
- Conversion Optimization
- Applied Digital Marketing Strategies
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Idiomes en els quals s'imparteix
3 years, 180 ECTS.
Titulació obtinguda
Bachelor of Business Administration with a Major in Digital Marketing.
Perspectives laborals
- Digital Marketing Specialist
- Social Media Strategist/Manager
- E-Commerce Manager
- Digital Marketing Director
Avantatges del curs
- Transfer Opportunities: We offer our students the option to transfer for a semester between our Geneva, Barcelona and Madrid campuses.
- Internships: We provide the access to internship opportunities in international companies and organizations.
Lloc on s'imparteix el curs
Geneva Campus, Barcelona Campus and Madrid Campus.
BBA Digital Marketing
Geneva Business School
Campus i seus: Geneva Business School
C/ Pelai, 42